Unsung Heroes

Thursday 24 Aug 2023

The human tendency to fixate on the downsides often overshadows the positive aspects. But, behind the scenes, a different story unfolds—one of unwavering dedication, tireless effort, and those countless instances when these professionals go the extra mile to create a positive impact within their communities.

Having recently clocked over 30-something years in the industry… my personal experience has taught me that the role goes far beyond property maintenance. It involves being a mediator, an unpaid legal expert navigating intricate regulations, an interior design aficionado (I’m still questioning the colour Mission Brown), and a willing ear when things inevitably hit the fan.

In a recent story, we witness the essence of the property management community. It started with an alarming call: a house engulfed in flames due to an electrical fault. The homeowner had insurance, but the tenant, a single father and his daughter, lost everything. What followed was a remarkable display of community strength and unity.

Despite the shock that the news brought, a sense of responsibility surged within the Property Management community. There was an inherent duty to assist the displaced father and daughter. A plea for help resonated across the Perth, and the response was overwhelming. Fellow Property Managers, friends, acquaintances, and even strangers stepped forward, ready to lend a hand in any way possible.

The initial step was securing a new rental for the tenant - swiftly and efficiently, a suitable place was found, infusing a glimmer of hope into an otherwise bleak situation. Yet, this was just the beginning.

What transpired next was nothing short of heartwarming—a united front formed to rebuild the lives of the displaced family. Property Managers joined forces with friends and unfamiliar faces, pooling resources and efforts. The spectrum of contributions was vast, spanning from crucial appliances like fridges and washers to furniture, clothing, toys, kitchenware, and even gift cards. It was more than just generosity; it was an expression of genuine empathy for a family in need.

Amidst the backdrop of fierce business competition, a unique camaraderie emerged among Property Managers. What was normally a professional race turned into a collective effort to create a safety net of support. This was more than property management; it was humanity at its finest—a shared commitment to alleviate the burdens of a fellow community member.

The heartwarming tale of Property Managers coming together serves as a poignant reminder of the often-overlooked aspects of their profession. Beyond the contracts and transactions, they are individuals brimming with empathy, always ready to rise to the occasion when adversity strikes. The story of the father and daughter rebuilding from scratch echoes a universal truth—that we are stronger together than apart.